Follow Section
Questions about our booking process?
- Can I have someone visit me?
- Can I have a roommate?
- Do you take bookings for students?
- Is breakfast included?
- Do you provide a meal plan?
- Are you allowed to smoke in a suite?
- What amenities are available and what are their operating hours?
- Is the building/suite wheelchair accessible?
- Is there is elevator in the building?
- Can we re-arrange the furniture in the suite?
- Can my company pay for my stay?
- Do I have to pay taxes?
- Can I bring my own furniture?
- What direction is the suite facing?
- Does the suite have a good view?
- What floor is the suite on?
- Does the suite have a balcony?
- How do I schedule cleaning services?
- Do you provide cleaning services?
- Do I have to confirm my check-out date?
- Do you have townhouses or complete homes for rent?
- Do you have suites outside of Toronto?